#FridayReads & Becoming (Twitter) Literary Critics

I am beat. My students are beat. I know you know exactly how that feels.

In an effort to lighten the mood but keep the idea of books and reading alive, my students and I had a little fun with Donald Trump. Now, it doesn’t matter what you think of the man or his politics, his tweets make pretty good mentor texts.

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I’m not the only one to think so — actually, I got the idea from someone Buzzfeed. Some clever writer put together a list of tweets, written as if Mr. Trump critiqued literature. Brilliant.

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So to have a little end-of-year fun, I asked my students to consider Trump’s sentence structure, and then write their own reviews based on the most recent books they’d read. Really, my only requirements:  a clear tone, but they didn’t have to be mean, and correct spelling and punctuation.

Here’s a few for your reading pleasure. Of course, the review makes the most sense if you are familiar with the books students refer to — I get that not everyone is as versed in YA like they might be the canon.

(Side Note:  To those who say students will never move beyond YA or ‘easy’ reading when it’s all about choice. Um, wrong again.)

What kind of end-of-year fun with books and reading — or anything else– have you had with your students? Please share in the comments.

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3 thoughts on “#FridayReads & Becoming (Twitter) Literary Critics

  1. […] It was probably a Friday when we wrote book reviews in the form of haikus. It was a Friday when we became literary critics. That one was […]


  2. Joanna May 27, 2016 at 10:52 pm Reply

    Hi there! What a great idea! My favorite was the one written for Thirteen Reasons Why – for some reason, the insult lends it a “Trumpesque” (word? “Trumpy” instead?) vibe. For my 6th grade ELA students’ final project, they made and presented a PowerPoint entitled, “5 Books” where they shared with their classmates the five books that have impacted them most. It was part reflection on themselves as readers, part sharing of great books that their peers might want to tackle over the summer. I know I have added a few to my reading list!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Billy May 27, 2016 at 7:01 am Reply

    This is amazing! I can hear Trump’s voice in their tweets.

    Keep the beat so the beat don’t keep you!

    Liked by 1 person

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