Reel Reading: Fat Angie

20130207-190708“There was a girl. Her name was Angie. She was happy.” ~E.E. Charlton-Trujillo

How can you not love a book with a cool title? My Sister Lives on the Mantlepiece is my favorite book title of all time. The book itself was pretty good, but oh, that title!

Fat Angie has rested on my whiteboard rail for some time now. I decided I needed to make it move and found this awesome book trailer. I know the perfect student for this book, but I’ll show the trailer and let her see why it screams “Read me!” for herself.

Close to the top of my favorite things to do:  match the perfect book with the perfect kid. Hoorah!

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One thought on “Reel Reading: Fat Angie

  1. vst3in April 5, 2013 at 8:36 am Reply

    This one looks like it needs to go into my TBR pile. Thanks for sharing the trailer.


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